Business Toolkit

For help finding our logo, social and brand assets

For any member who has signed up to one of our business accounts (either our Climate Action Workforce ® subscription or a free pay-as-you-go business account), you're able to access our Business Toolkit.

Our Business toolkit contains the following:

  • Our Media Pack - this includes photos of our projects, social assets and brand assets.
  • Our Dynamic logo - these can be embedded directly within your company website to show your customers the impact you're making.

To access the toolkit, please sign in to your Ecologi business profile and click 'Account' on the left-hand tab. Here you'll see one of the options is 'Business toolkit'.

Our 'Guidelines for Business' document, which is available here, has all the information you need regarding the usage of our logos, assets and other resources. You'll also find details on our Public Operations & Impact ledger/transparency evidence, terminology suggestions and much more. (5)

All instructions on how to use these images / assets / logos are included on this page.